Grace Sin
Preschool Teacher (Ej legitimerad)

Grace Sin
Preschool Teacher (Ej legitimerad)

My name is Grace Sin, was born in Singapore and educated in Australia. My first language is English and second is language is Mandarin (Chinese). I received my Bachelor degree in early years’ education at Monash University in Melbourne Australia. In Singapore, I also attained a Preschool Diploma in Teaching and Leadership. During my free-time I love to scuba dive and the ocean is my playground. I enjoy playing golf and exercising too. I moved to Sweden in August 2020 to be with my partner. I am thrilled and excited for my future in Sweden.
I am an early year’s educator with over 20 years’ experience. I started as an early year’s educator teaching children aged 2 to 6 years old. After 5 years of teaching, I became Senior Teacher for a year, followed by the position of Principal at the same preschool in Singapore. During the 7 years as Principal I was also involved in teachers training as well as starting up preschools in Singapore, Malaysia, India and China. During that time, I focused mainly on teaching and management of preschools during. I was awarded a study trip to Reggio Emilia in Italy and a NAEYC Conference in Georgia (Teachers’ conference), Atlanta. I was later relocated to Malaysia as Country Manager to manage and setup early years’ enrichment schools for 3 years followed by 2 years in Singapore which provided me the opportunity to learn more about the business aspect of early years’ education. Later I accepted the position as Foreign Principal in Beijing, China in a bilingual international preschool for a year. My main role was to setup the preschool and train the teachers. Prior to moving to Sweden I worked in Singapore as Principal of a large bilingual preschool organization. Throughout my career I have wonderful and rich experiences and have learnt a lot working with children and Pedagogues.
Child's perspective
My view on children is that they are central to their own learning and that they are able to pursue their own interests and revisit and build upon ideas at their pace. Children are strong, capable, and resilient, powerful with wonder and knowledge. To me, no two children are alike. They, like us, will develop according to their personality and disposition, and how the world would treat them. Their experiences will shape them just as ours have shaped us. As adults and educators our job is to put aside our own pre-conceived ideas and perceptions of who they are or who we want them to be and see the world through their eyes. If we view children's lives as landscapes that change with the time, we will have the patience to wait and watch how our guidance and influence affects their lives. I am looking forward to playing a part in the education of the children at Eudora International Preschool and helping the children develop into global citizens.